One of the important decisions that will impact the optimum utilisation of social media marketing for firms(or even in personal lives) is the “timing” of the tweets, posts, etc. In an article in Fast Company, Belle Beth Cooper, shares some very interesting insights. The study covers Facebook, Twitter and email newsletter. But unfortunately, LinkedIn was not part of the study(At our company, we use only LinkedIn and email newsletters, and I personally am not convinced about the effectiveness of FB or Twitter for our B2B services).
In one of the studies, the respondents were asked about engagement levels and the following was the result.
(Source: Argyle Social)
The difference in engagement in B2B and B2C settings for Twitter and Facebook clearly varied.
The article also has several other insights like – when do people engage most with social media? Early mornings? Lunch time? Evenings? Weekdays? Weekends? Here is one more interesting chart.
If you are a practitioner of social media marketing or are just curious, you find this article very useful. Read on here.